Hydrotech Monitoring Pty Ltd

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Weather Stations

Davis Vantage Pro2

Weather station installation in mango orchard weather data

The Davis Weather Station is an extremely economical system with connectivity available via Wi-Fi or radio link and comes with an easy-to-use display screen. It can monitor a large variety of weather conditions including rainfall, wind speed, sunrise and sunset, humidity, heat index, and more. With the option of adding the WeatherLink data logger, you have the ability to store data even when it is not connected to your PC and once downloaded you can create graphs and generate summaries from data provided. The Davis system allows for an almost instant update on current weather conditions along with graph data on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis.


WXT 530 Weather Transmitter Vaisala

 WXT 530

 The Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT 530 combines 6 of the most essential weather parameters in one compact and durable device. It is dense, lightweight and with no moving parts, it is not vulnerable to damage making it an extremely low-maintenance product. With field-proven sensors, this system provides reliability and accuracy In measuring wind speed and direction, liquid precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. The WXT Configuration Tool includes easy-to-use software and can be used as a display on a PC. The system is extremely flexible and can be configured to meet most user requirements.

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